The DIALLS Library is a curated collection of wordless books and films that can stimulate discussion about DIALLS themes and promote tolerance, empathy, and inclusion.
Welcome to the DIALLS Library. The wordless books and films on its virtual shelves were carefully selected by DIALLS researchers using feedback from teachers and students.
Within the library, you will find:
- The 20 films we have included in the Cultural Literacy Learning Programme
- Over 40 additional films accompanied by discussion prompts to extend cultural literacy learning
- Descriptions of 74 wordless picturebooks that could be used to support DIALLS themed discussions
Tips for using the wordless texts
- The DIALLS films have been assigned to different age groups. This reflects the complexity of ideas, or the sensitive nature of specific issues, raised by each film. However, in addition to age, cultural context is also important to consider in terms of what is and is not appropriate to share with your class. We therefore advise that teachers should always watch a film first before sharing it with their children.
- For further support, look at our guidance on Mediating Wordless Picturebooks. Our Professional Development materials also include a session on The Wonderful World of Wordless Films.
Cultural Themes
Age Range
Full library
All films
All books
Films in the CLLP
Films with discussion prompts