DIALLS teachers keep going – even under difficult conditions
[German & English] DIALLS Lehrkräfte schätzen das Projekt – auch unter erschwerten Bedingungen Die letzte Phase des DIALLS Projekts fiel mitten in...
[German & English] DIALLS Lehrkräfte schätzen das Projekt – auch unter erschwerten Bedingungen Die letzte Phase des DIALLS Projekts fiel mitten in...
[German & English] „Da hat sich was getan.“ Wie ist es, DIALLS zu unterrichten? Kann man interkulturelle Kompetenz erlernen? Welchen Einfluss hat...
[Portuguese & English] Duas reflexões de professores portugueses sobre a capacidade de empatia das crianças e como os materiais DIALLS...
[Portuguese & English] Como lidar com questões sensíveis? (8-11 anos) Na 1ª pessoa Numa das Escolas onde implementei o projeto existe um elevado número...
[Portuguese & English] Experiência dos professores portugueses no projeto DIALLS No projeto DIALLS, a opinião dos professores e dos alunos é essencial!...
[Portuguese & English] O impacto do Projeto DIALLS nos meus alunos “A viagem da descoberta consiste em não achar novas paisagens, mas ver com...
[English] My Year 4 class are taking part from a small rural village in Norfolk, England. The school itself is an all through school- that is it takes...
[English] Earlier in the year, several students in Catalonia wrote reflections on the concept of diversity (in English), inspired by their work with...
[Greek & English] Εμπειρίες και σκέψεις για την εφαρμογή του προγράμματος DIALLS Φέτος, ως εκπαιδευτικός σε δημοτικό σχολείο έχω εφαρμόσει στην...
[English] Musings on DIALLS session Owl Bat, Bat Owl: I left my Year One class just before lunchtime. My elder son had a high temperature and a cough and...
[Greek & English] ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ DIALLS 2019 – 2020 Ονομάζομαι Μαρία Πίττα και είμαι νηπιαγωγός στο Δημόσιο Νηπιαγωγείο Λιοπετρίου. Φέτος είχα την...
[Portuguese & English] Um caminho é como uma casa: é necessário abrir a janela, de vez em quando, para que o ar circule. O medo neste século, já...
[Greek & English] Η ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΗ ΤΟΥ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΤΑΞΗ ΜΟΥ Αρχικά, επέλεξα να εφαρμόσω το πρόγραμμα DIALLS στην τάξη μου επειδή το υλικό που...
[English] Fairly recently, a discussion on empathy education appeared in the opinions column of the biggest and most prominent Finnish newspaper, Helsingin...
[English] DIALLS was a promising project for me from the beginning since it was using children’s books. Getting familiar with such material was a great...
[English] Lesson 7 is a synchronous lesson, which means the children from one class discuss the lesson’s topics among themselves, then share their comments...
[English] Here a first-grade teacher in Israel talks about DIALLS Lesson 6 – the first of five synchronous online discussions with another first-grade...
[English] The DIALLS project is about thinking, talking and listening. We learn how to create our own opinions and how to develop them, give examples and...
[Portuguese & English] Mudam-se os tempos, mudam-se as vontades, Muda-se o ser, muda-se a confiança; Todo o mundo é composto de mudança, Tomando sempre...
[English] At a time when division seems to permeate all aspects of the news, from politics and Brexit to acts of terror and the growing refugee crisis, it...
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreement No 770045.
The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.