An elderly person lives in a beautiful cottage by the beach and passes time painting the sea beyond the window. Unbeknownst to this person, a boy hides in the cottage. The boy is sent into a panic by the pictures of the sea. He runs from the house towards the jetty, where his truth becomes clear to the viewer: he became orphaned after an accident in an ocean passage on a dark and stormy night. He relives the memory in a stunning visual sequence of drama on the high seas. As he sinks into the twisting depths of the ocean a hand reaches out to help him — the old person pulls him from his distress and offers him kindness and solidarity. Although this film is not explicitly about the migrant crisis, his identity as an orphaned refugee is palpable to the attentive viewer. This has clear cues for discussion about the serious themes related to this contemporary social issue. Contains scenes that some viewers may find upsetting.