In this picturebook, a woman returns home from her exciting life in the city to visit her grandmother, but finds that she is a giant compared to her, representing her sense of maturity and new-found independence. However, as she reconnects with her … [Darllen mwy...]
Bon Voyage [Siwrnai Dda]
Mae eironi didostur teitl y ffilm hon yn arwydd o’i thriniaeth ergydiol o bwnc anodd, pwysig mudo gorfodol. Dechreua'r ffilm fel animeiddiad traddodiadol, gan gyfleu criw o ffoaduriaid mewn arddull o luniadau llinell syml wrth iddynt ffoi rhag perygl … [Darllen mwy...]
Tierenduin [Sw Pwy]
This look-and-search book challenges the reader to see things differently. The mouth of a tiger hides the face of a sloth; the teeth of a snake become the icebergs upon which a polar bear roams. The book asks us to reconsider what we expect to see … [Darllen mwy...]
Ant [Y Morgrugyn]
Gan Film Bilder, y stiwdio a wnaeth Head Up, y mae’r ffilm hon. Yn rhan o gyfres Animanimals gan Julie Ocker, mae’n cyfleu bodolaeth systematig a chyfunol nythfa o forgrug. Mae manwl gywirdeb milwrol y morgrug yn fan cychwyn addas i drafod y clymau … [Darllen mwy...]
Alike [Yr Un Ffunud]
Y difaterwch a'r hwyliau isel a achosir gan orweithio ac unigedd sydd dan sylw yn yr hanes hwn am dad a mab. Mae’r tad yn ddiflas yn y gwaith a’i fab, sy'n ifanc o hyd, yn optimistaidd am fynd i'r ysgol. Mygir sirioldeb y mab fwyfwy wrth i'w … [Darllen mwy...]
Waterloo & Trafalgar [Waterloo a Trafalgar]
War and violence are integral to the history of Europe as well as its present, but the explicit representation of these themes can be challenging in a classroom context. This picturebook by French artist Olivier Tallec gently raises these themes in a … [Darllen mwy...]
Il Libro Bianco [Y Llyfr Gwyn]
A sense of agency is key to this conceptual work, in which the role of children in creating their own lives is represented through the depiction of a small boy who paints and repaints the page. Similar to the classic worded picturebook, Harold and … [Darllen mwy...]
Che Capolavoro! [Dyna Gampwaith!]
This picturebook takes canonical examples of classic and modern art to explore the universality of artwork in everyday life. The main character is surrounded by signifiers of art and culture - from Banksy to Salvador Dali, from Einstein to the Eiffel … [Darllen mwy...]
Ką padarė žirklės? [Yr hyn a wnaeth y siswrn]
The majority of wordless picturebooks produced in Europe are produced in Northern and Western European countries. However, the oldest example of the form used in this corpus is a Lithuanian wordless picturebook originally published in 1961. It has … [Darllen mwy...]