A conversation about weekends and leisure can be provoked by this book, which includes strong gender-positive representations in its depiction of life at the weekend in an unnamed Dutch town. The inhabitants of the town spend their weekend doing all … [Darllen mwy...]
Regeneration [Adfywiad]
Crëwyd y ffilm fer hon, sy’n funud o hyd, drwy Abingdon Film Unit, sefydliad bach sy'n gweithio gydag ysgol yn y DU i gynhyrchu ffilmiau byr o ansawdd proffesiynol. Un syml yw'r gynsail: mae dilyniant ffilm stop-symud o ddarluniadau pensil â llaw yn … [Darllen mwy...]
Balbúrdia [Llanastr]
This is a warm, rich tale about having too many toys. A young boy lives in a very messy bedroom cluttered full of toys. He ignores the mess, and it grows and grows, until suddenly it takes on a life of its own. The boy is chased out of the bedroom by … [Darllen mwy...]
Super Grand [Y Cawr Campus]
Mae cawr o fachgen mewn clogyn archarwr yn cyrraedd dinas ar ynys ac yn codi ofn ar yr holl ddinasyddion bychain. Er ei fod yn ceisio dangos ei garedigrwydd drwy helpu'r dinasyddion, maent yn ei ofni o hyd. Mae llosgfynydd ym mhen draw’r ynys yn … [Darllen mwy...]
Le voleur de Poule [Y Lleidr Ieir]
This notable work by Beatrice Rodriguez has been published in many different countries. The other text by Rodriguez in the corpus is The Big Dog [Der große Hund]. Le voleur de Poule [The Chicken Thief] is a strong and funny representation of themes … [Darllen mwy...]
Sombras [Cysgodion]
Everyone has a shadow. In this picturebook, everyone’s shadow displays their true desires. A policeman begins his day, but his shadow wants him to stay in bed. He misses his train, but his shadow just manages to board it. The use of the shadow to … [Darllen mwy...]
Punainen Lanka [Edau Goch]
This Finnish wordless picturebook is self-published by the artist Filippa Hella. It uses a simple concept: a girl plays with a ball of red wool in negative space. The red thread rises above her and becomes all sorts of different things — a heart rate … [Darllen mwy...]
Caperucita Roja [Yr Hugan Goch]
This challenging wordless retelling of Little Red Riding Hood is another example of a postmodern version of a fairy tale. There is also a French version in the corpus: Le Petit Chaperon Rouge [Little Red Riding Hood]. These retellings provide a bold … [Darllen mwy...]
The Amazing Little Worm [Y Mwydyn Bach Rhyfeddol]
Mae'r mwydyn eponymaidd yn y ffilm fer hon yn anfodlon ar ei hunaniaeth ac fe hoffai fod yn rhywbeth arall. Ceisia fod yn gyfaill i bâr o lindys, ond nid yw'n llwyddo i fabwysiadu eu metamorffosis yn loÿnnod byw. Mae hyd yn oed yn gwneud pâr o … [Darllen mwy...]