Mae'r animeiddiad yn y ffilm Ffrangeg hon yn debyg i animeiddiad November. Datblyga cyfeillgarwch annhebygol rhwng penbwl a lindysyn wrth i’r ddau dyfu'n ddau fod gwahanol iawn: sef broga a glöyn byw. Canolbwyntia'r ffilm ar thema glasurol … [Darllen mwy...]
Unplugged [Heb ddyfais electronig]
Ynni adnewyddadwy sydd dan sylw yn y ffilm fer a syml hon. Dyma'r unig waith yn y Llyfryddiaeth i fynd i'r afael yn uniongyrchol ac yn benodol â'r cysyniad pwysig hwn ar gyfer dyfodol Ewrop. Dim ond 90 eiliad o hyd ydyw, ond mae'n ffilm fach … [Darllen mwy...]
Verrückte Welt [Byd â’i Ben i Waered]
German artist ATAK presents a carnivalesque theme of power negotiation in this representation of an upside down world. The banker begs on the street corner while the punk hands over spare change; the mouse chases the cat; a horse rides a jockey; a … [Darllen mwy...]
Vu d’en haut [Golwg Oddi Uchod]
This short early concept book is stylistically bold and uses a simple premise: what do things look like from above? A hot summer day is the scene of the story: readers will be able to spot the bird’s eye view of a small town with hot yellow lawns … [Darllen mwy...]
Zachem? [Pam?]
This famous Russian wordless picturebook is one of the oldest picturebooks in the selection, as it was published at the end of the twentieth century. It has been re-published many times since in many different countries: sometimes with words, and … [Darllen mwy...]
Kim Bu Gelen? [Pwy Yw Hwn Sy’n Dod?]
A game of chess between chickens is disturbed by the loud footsteps of a passing giraffe in this eccentric Turkish wordless picturebook. The chickens try hard to get the attention of the giraffe and the picturebook ends with the arrival of an even … [Darllen mwy...]
כשירד הלילה [Wrth Iddi Nosi]
This vibrantly illustrated wordless picturebook explores the role of creation and creativity in the imagination of children. A young girl draws a group of monsters, an elephant, and a little girl on a sheet of paper with a set of pencils. The figures … [Darllen mwy...]
Szalontüdö [Treip a Nionod]
Anaml yr ymddengys ffilmiau drama fyw yn y casgliad, ac felly hefyd ffilmiau o Hwngari. Mae'r ffilm fer hon o ddrama fyw yn debyg i French Roast yn ei defnydd o brif gymeriad wyneb i waered: mae dyn anniben, sy’n ddigartref hefyd, fel petai’n bwyta … [Darllen mwy...]
Triangolo al circo [Triongl yn y syrcas]
This early concept book provides a selection of vivid representations of the circus for young people to explore. Clowns juggle, trumpeters trumpet, a snake-charmer charms a snake. Children will be able to interact with the joyous depiction of circus … [Darllen mwy...]