As an interdisciplinary, international project, DIALLS produced resources of potential value to researchers in various fields — all of which are open access.
Those with any of the following research interests may find the DIALLS research outputs useful to their work:
- Educational dialogue
- Citizenship education
- Argumentation and learning
- Multimodal literacy
- Dialogic teaching
- Dialogue/discourse analysis methodologies
- Arts-based education
- Cultural studies
- Computer assisted learning
- Teacher professional development and communities
All DIALLS research outputs — datasets, journal articles, and books — are open access. Our datasets and peer-reviewed papers can be found in the DIALLS Zenodo.
DIALLS Multilingual Corpus
The DIALLS Multilingual Corpus comprises transcripts of 201 recorded lessons from seven participant countries (UK, Portugal, Germany, Lithuania, Spain, Cyprus and Israel). The transcripts capture student and teacher interactions and dialogue during lessons from the Cultural Literacy Learning Programme (CLLP) as it was being implemented during the 2019-2020 school year.
The 201 transcripts are included in their original language (English, Portuguese, German, Lithuanian, Catalan, Greek and Hebrew), and 122 are also translated into English.
Access the corpus on Zenodo: DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4058182

Books & Articles
DIALLS published many peer-reviewed journal articles, monographs and edited books over the course of the project. All are freely accessible, and the full list can be found on our Books & Articles page.
For an introduction to DIALLS’ approach to cultural literacy, read Reconceptualizing Cultural Literacy as Dialogic Practice (2019) by F. Maine, V. Cook and T. Lähdesmäki (available in English).
To celebrate the project’s interdisciplinarity, our team of researchers joined together to write a book capturing the different perspectives that we have brought to the research. The book is open access: Dialogue for Intercultural Understanding: Placing Cultural Literacy at the Heart of Learning (2021) edited by F. Maine and M. Vrikki, published by Springer (available in English).
The DIALLS Library is a curated collection of wordless books and films that are useful for stimulating discussions about cultural literacy themes in the classroom. They were carefully selected by DIALLS researchers using feedback from teachers and students.
Within the library, you will find:
- The 20 films we have included in the Cultural Literacy Learning Programme
- Over 40 additional films accompanied by discussion prompts to extend cultural literacy learning
- Descriptions of 74 wordless picturebooks that could be used to support DIALLS themed discussions
For further support, look at our guidance on Mediating Wordless Picturebooks. Our Professional Development materials also include a session on The Wonderful World of Wordless Films.

Virtual Gallery
The Virtual Gallery is a display of artworks — which we call “cultural artefacts” — that students have made in response to classroom discussions about the wordless texts in the Cultural Literacy Learning Programme.
Participating classes chose their favourite artefact to display in the Virtual Gallery. The result is a collection of nearly 80 artworks from children aged 5-15 years old in seven countries.
The gallery includes not only the artefacts themselves, but also the students’ explanations of what inspired the work and how they made it.