Ystod Oedran:
Country: Israel
Themâu Diwylliannol
Being European, Empathy, BelongingEnglish translation of the text in the artefact:
“We drew the home inside the heart because we think the home is a mental place rather a physical place, we wrote within the heart values that according to our opinion represent what home is to us. We drew people since we think that a home is a place where you are surrounded with people you love and they love you.”
Here’s what the students say about the artefact they created:
What is the artwork about?
Distinguishing between mental home to physical house, and the place of the real house.
Why was it designed in this way?
Hebrew does not distinguish lexically between house and home. The group distinguishes between these different semantic meanings, incorporated in the one word ‘bayit’. In order to illustrate the group’s central insight, according to which the real ‘bayit’ is “a mental place”, the classic home, parents and child, a stable basis and a roof over one’s head, is placed within a heart shape surrounding it all around. The main values related to home, according to this group, are in fact the characteristics enabled by the mental/spiritual sensation of home. The term in use ‘mental place’ indicates to the polysemy of the term ‘place’ in Hebrew. The range of meaning is quite broad and it stretches between total anonymity of the space and its total sanctification (specificity, knowledge). The word place is used in Hebrew as one of god’s names.
Why did the class choose this artwork?
Most of the group artefacts had to do with distinguishing between the emotional characteristics and the habits and doing related to the concept of home. The group expressed a radical stance using simple lines regarding the question of the physical location of the ‘real’ home/house. It’s maybe worth mentioning that irony did not skip these cultural artefacts and so, despite their production in the months prior to the CoronaVirus outbreak, more than one group have described the home-space as one with no masks.
Was it created collaboratively or by one student?
The artefact was created by a group of 3, but if I remember correctly only one illustrated it.
?במה עוסק התוצר
הבחנה בין בית מנטלי לפיזי, מקומו של הבית האמיתי
?מדוע הוא עוצב כך

מדוע הכיתה בחרה דווקא בתוצר הזה לפרסום
?בגלריה המקוונת
מרבית התוצרים הקבוצתיים עסקו בהבחנות בין תכונות רגשיות להרגלים ולעשייה המשוייכת לרעיון הבית. הקבוצה הביאה לידי ביטוי בקוים פשוטים עמדה רדיקלית בשאלת מקומו של הבית ‘האמיתי’. כדאי אולי להוסיף כי האירוניה לא פסחה על יצירת התוצרים התרבותיים וכך, למרות שהתוצרים התרבותיים הופקו חודשים לפני פרוץ מגפת הקורונה, יותר מקבוצה אחת תיארה את המרחב הביתי כמרחב שאין בו מסכות
האם התוצר הוא פרי עבודה של תלמיד יחיד, או של
?עבודת צוות
התוצר נוצר על ידי קבוצה (3) אם כי בהפקת הציור נדמה שלקחה חלק מאיירת אחת בלבד