A big toy cow hangs at the end of a mobile above a crib. At the other end, there are smaller toys hanging together. The mobile hangs at a delicate balance, and when the cow tries to get closer to her friends, the balance is skewed. This charming, award-winning German animation is a great way to consider the delicate equilibrium that constitutes a successful society. As the cow shifts towards her friends, the inevitable happens: the mobile tips sideways, and the toys scatter into the air. A moment of bona fide crescendo occurs as the toys sail through the sky, open-mouthed in terror. However, all is well that ends well, when the toys land in a different pattern that still maintains balance. This time, the toys are evenly spread rather that one-sided, with the cow right at the centre. The film depicts the human need for contact alongside a greater metaphor for the fragility — but flexibility — of social cohesion.