This evocative wordless picturebook is about freedom. It is an allegorical story about two men who build a cage in a forest to trap a flock of dazzlingly bright birds. Unbeknownst to the two men, another bird is watching, who swoops forward to save the day. Through the bird’s actions, the cage breaks. As the birds escape, flying off in a riot of colour, the cage falls around the two men and traps them. The powerful become the powerless and vice versa. This picturebook is told in a classy, charming line drawing style by a recent graduate of Cambridge School of Art in the UK. The themes that will emerge from this narrative are based around equality and freedom as springboards for discussion. This work can be used in connection to Triangolo al circo [Triangle at the Circus] as a way to discuss animal rights, while broader themes of confinement are reflected elsewhere in the corpus, Płoty [Fences].