In this picturebook, a woman returns home from her exciting life in the city to visit her grandmother, but finds that she is a giant compared to her, representing her sense of maturity and new-found independence. However, as she reconnects with her … [المزيد ...]
Bon Voyage [رحلة سعيدة]
السخرية النابعة من عنوان هذا الفيلم تدل على معالجته بشدة للموضوع الصعب والمهم للهجرة القسرية. يبدأ الفيلم كرسوم متحركة تقليدية، يصور مجموعة من اللاجئين على غرار الرسومات الخطية البسيطة وهم يفرون من الخطر بحثًا عن الأمان المتخيّل في أوروبا. كما تصور … [المزيد ...]
Waterloo & Trafalgar [واترلو و ترافالغر]
War and violence are integral to the history of Europe as well as its present, but the explicit representation of these themes can be challenging in a classroom context. This picturebook by French artist Olivier Tallec gently raises these themes in a … [المزيد ...]
?Zachem [لماذا؟]
This famous Russian wordless picturebook is one of the oldest picturebooks in the selection, as it was published at the end of the twentieth century. It has been re-published many times since in many different countries: sometimes with words, and … [المزيد ...]
Szalontüdö [كرش وبصل]
تظهر أفلام الحركة الحية بشكل غير منتظم في المجموعة، وكذلك الأفلام المجرية. يشبه هذا العمل الحي القصير الحدّة الفرنسي في استخدامه لبطل الرواية رأسًا على عقب: يبدو أن رجلًا ضائعًا، ربما بلا مأوى، يأكل غداء رجل أعمال مجري في كشك للطعام. الوجبة هي طبق … [المزيد ...]
!Che Capolavoro [يا لها من تحفة!]
This picturebook takes canonical examples of classic and modern art to explore the universality of artwork in everyday life. The main character is surrounded by signifiers of art and culture - from Banksy to Salvador Dali, from Einstein to the Eiffel … [المزيد ...]
Murs Murs [جدران جدران]
This highly ambiguous picturebook presents a sophisticated and atmospheric narrative about relocation and identity within time and space. A girl views a new home with her parents. While the parents are led by the estate agent, the girl wanders on her … [المزيد ...]
Mediterraneo [البحر المتوسط]
This example of a picturebook dealing with the theme of the migrant crisis is less hopeful than the others. Indeed, the picturebook can be read as a memorial for the lives lost in the passage across the Mediterranean. The story opens with the stark … [المزيد ...]
La Danse de la Mer [رقص البحر]
The ocean is the main character in this beautiful French wordless picturebook. Intricate and poetic line drawings depict the passage of ships across a sea that is both calm and chaotic. The sea is personified as dancing women who begin by permitting … [المزيد ...]