In this picturebook, a woman returns home from her exciting life in the city to visit her grandmother, but finds that she is a giant compared to her, representing her sense of maturity and new-found independence. However, as she reconnects with her … [Ler mais ...]
Tierenduin [De quem é o Zoológico?]
This look-and-search book challenges the reader to see things differently. The mouth of a tiger hides the face of a sloth; the teeth of a snake become the icebergs upon which a polar bear roams. The book asks us to reconsider what we expect to see … [Ler mais ...]
כשירד הלילה [Quando caiu a noite]
This vibrantly illustrated wordless picturebook explores the role of creation and creativity in the imagination of children. A young girl draws a group of monsters, an elephant, and a little girl on a sheet of paper with a set of pencils. The figures … [Ler mais ...]
Where’s the Elephant? [Onde está o elefante?]
Children, like adults, quickly develop sophisticated expectations of genre and style – for example, seeking to see the similarities that define certain types of picturebooks. This picturebook by French artist Barroux plays upon these expectations by … [Ler mais ...]
Murs Murs [Muros Muros]
This highly ambiguous picturebook presents a sophisticated and atmospheric narrative about relocation and identity within time and space. A girl views a new home with her parents. While the parents are led by the estate agent, the girl wanders on her … [Ler mais ...]
Where’s the Starfish? [Onde está a estrela-do-mar?]
A sequência do livro Where’s the Elephant [Onde está o elefante?], do ilustrador Barroux, segue a mesma premissa do seu antecessor. O formato lúdico do wimmelbook, similar às obras Onde está o Wally?, torna-se um catalisador para uma mensagem … [Ler mais ...]
Waterloo & Trafalgar
A guerra e a violência são parte integrante da história da Europa, e marcam seu presente, mas a representação explícita destes temas pode ser um desafio num contexto da sala de aula. Este livro ilustrado do artista francês Olivier Tallec levanta … [Ler mais ...]
Zachem? [Porquê?]
This famous Russian wordless picturebook is one of the oldest picturebooks in the selection, as it was published at the end of the twentieth century. It has been re-published many times since in many different countries: sometimes with words, and … [Ler mais ...]
Vu d’en haut [Visto de cima]
This short early concept book is stylistically bold and uses a simple premise: what do things look like from above? A hot summer day is the scene of the story: readers will be able to spot the bird’s eye view of a small town with hot yellow lawns … [Ler mais ...]