Inspired by: Super Grand [Super Grande]
Faixa etária: 12-15 years
Country: Spain
Temas Culturais
ToleranceHere’s what the students say about the artefact they created:
What is the artwork about?
The story deals with a giant who helps some village people to defend themselves against two evil monsters.
Why was it designed in this way?
We like to take the pictures. We didn’t know how to put sound to it.
Why did the class choose this artwork?
It was funny.
Was it created collaboratively or by one student?
A group of three boys.
De qué trata la obra de arte?
La història va d’un gegant que ajuda a un poble a lluitar contra dos essers malignes.
Por qué fue diseñada de esta manera?
Ens agrada fer les fotos. No saviam com posar so.
Por qué eligió la clase esta obra?
Era divertit.
Fue creada de manera colaborativa o individual?
Grup de tres nois.