November 2020: Talking About Silent Books
This short blog post by Dr. Fiona Maine is featured on the website of IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People), and celebrates IBBY’s Silent Book Project, which includes some of the wordless texts used in the DIALLS Cultural Literacy Learning Program. The post is titled “Talking about Silent Books: How wordless texts are being used as a springboard for children’s discussions on how to live together and become socially responsible”.
Available in: English

October 2020: Nuotolinis mokymasis nesustabdė projekto veiklų
“Online learning did not stop DIALLS activities”, appeared in the Lithuanian educational news journal Švietimo naujienos, reporting on how enthusiastic Lithuanian teachers were to implement the DIALLS Cultural Literacy Learning Programme (CLLP), a new programme for the pre-primary and primary curriculum.
Available in: Lietuviškai

“Ventos grammar school students and teachers are also creators of innovative lessons”, which appeared in Lithuanian regional newspaper Kūrybos Erdvė, is about the importance of supporting students’ cultural literacy learning as an innovative way of studying at secondary level. and how Ventos school is a leader in creating and implementing such DIALLS lessons.
Available in Lietuviškai

September 2020: Building a European community through responses to books and films
This article by Dr. Fiona Maine appears in the autumn edition of “English 4-11”, a journal dedicated to literacy in the primary classroom and shares the experiences of UK teachers engaged in the DIALLS project.
Available in: English

April 2020: Dialogue and Argumentation for Cultural Literacy Learning in Schools – hanke pyrkii kehittämään empatiaa ja vuorovaikutustaitoja sanattomien tekstien avulla
Titled ‘The DIALLS project aims to develop empathy and interaction skills through non-verbal texts’, this piece by DIALLS consortium Researcher Dr. Aino-Kaisa Koistinen introduces the project generally and then explains the role of the wordless books and films used in the Cultural Literacy Learning Programme. It was published on TaideJemma, a Finnish site dedicated to archiving the art of children and young people.
Available in: Finnish

February 2020: Empatia na escola? Aqui, o que conta não é estar certo ou errado
‘Empathy in school? The important thing is not whether students are right or wrong’ was published in the major Portuguese newspaper, Publico. DIALLS is presented in the article as a solution to the lack of teaching about empathy in Portugal.
Available in: Português

August 2019: Kulturelle Kompetenz von Schülern fördern
The team from the University of Münster discuss their work on cultural literacy in local schools in the Nordrhein-Westfalen area of Germany.
Available in: Deutsch

August 2019: Projekt fördert kulturelle Kompetenz
This article appeared in the German daily newspaper for the Tecklenburg region, Ibbenbürener Volkszeitung, on 22 August 2019, presenting the concept of cultural literacy to local schools.
It is not available online at this time.

August 2019: Interkulturelle Kompetenz steht auf dem Stundeplan
This article appeared in the German daily newspaper Die Glocke on 22 August 2019, introducing the work of the University of Münster and DIALLS.
It is not available online at this time.

May 2019: “Versmes” gimnazija atrinkta dalyvauti mokslo projekte
This article (‘Versmes school selected to participate in research project’) appeared in Lithuanian newspaper Elektrenu Zinios. It covers the major goals of DIALLS and reflects on the work of the Vilnius University DIALLS team with teachers during the developmental phase of the project.
Available in: Lietuviškai

April 2019: Não há empatia nos currículos Portugueses
‘There is no empathy in the Portuguese curricula’ was published in the major Portuguese newspaper, Publico. DIALLS is presented in the article as a solution to the lack of teaching about empathy in Portugal.
Available in: Português

August 2019: Europäische Kulturen im Schulunterricht
This article appeared in the German daily regional newspaper Westfälische Nachrichten on 24 August 2019, exploring the implementation of the CLLP and encouraging teachers to get in touch if they wished to participate in the DIALLS project.
It is not available online at this time.

May 2019: Beyond words – exploring the magic of visual texts
An article about Dr. Fiona Maine of the University of Cambridge in anticipation of her talk at the 2019 Hay Festival, where she discussed her literacy education research on wordless books and films.
Available in: English

May 2019: Mazeikiu Ventos progimnazija – viena iš aktyviausių EK Mokslo ir inovacijų programos HORIZON 2020 projekto dalyvių
This article (‘Mažeikiu Ventos school is one of the most enthusiastic about working with researchers in the framework of a HORIZON 2020 project’) was published in Lithuanian newspaper Santarvė. It outlines cultural literacy as understood by DIALLS and reflects on its development in a Lithuanian educational context.
Available in: Lietuviškai

December 2018: We are all ‘others’
This article explores how DIALLS, working with the University of Cambridge Primary School, has helped children understand difference in a positive way.
Available in: English