Developing Cultural Literacy through Dialogue
a workshop with DIALLS and Chartered College of Teaching
Date: 14 April 2021, 4:30pm-6pm
How to join: Register on Eventbrite (free) to receive the Zoom link

In this collaborative twilight session between DIALLS and the Chartered College of Teaching, Dr Fiona Maine (Senior Lecturer in Literacy Education, University of Cambridge Faculty of Education) and Dr Victoria Cook (Research Associate, DIALLS) will introduce the project and its goals and most importantly share the resources available. There will, of course, be lots of opportunity for talk!
The session will present and discuss the teacher resource bank that will be freely available in April 2021. This includes:
- a collection of short wordless films from European directors;
- lesson prompt cards for KS1 and KS2 to guide discussions;
- professional development materials exploring dialogue in the classroom, cultural literacy in DIALLS and mediating wordless film;
- progression tools to support formative assessment of cultural literacy as a dialogic social practice.