Country: UK
Age group: 8-11
Value the preciousness of each person.
Know that there’s a place for everyone.
Keep others beside you, not above you or below you.
Make your own kind of music, sing your own special song.
Listen to the songs of others and treat them with respect,
Even if you don’t share their beliefs.
Be true to yourself, be true to what you believe, be true to each other.
Choose to listen to even the smallest voice.
Listen but don’t let your voice be lost.
Dream big dreams.
Help others believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Do small things with great love.
Notice the things that others do for you before they stop doing them.
Sing in unison and sing in harmony with others in the choir of life.
Be a small piece of the puzzle, the global picture.
Work together for a better world rather than waiting for it.