This tender film comes from Sweden and Denmark. It is one of the only Cultural Texts in the corpus to address disability (the other is In A Bubble [Dans sa bulle]). The film spotlights learning difficulties in the classroom in this beautiful and affective depiction of the struggles of a boy in his school. The protagonist is unable to fully integrate into his school community due to the difficulties he faces; his isolation is depicted in a soft and sensitive manner. His skills — creativity, illustration — are emphasised to the viewer in contrast to his difficulty in engaging with the normal learning pathway taken by his classmates. The conclusion of the film, in which his father hugs him in the rain after he misses the bus home, demonstrates the power of compassion, empathy, and understanding in the integration of all citizens in contemporary culture. This film is a powerful way for young people to consider disability and/or social isolation, thus opening a dialogue about active participation in contemporary life within our communities.