[German & English] DIALLS Lehrkräfte schätzen das Projekt – auch unter erschwerten Bedingungen Die letzte Phase des DIALLS Projekts fiel mitten in einen langen Lockdown, der besonders für Schulen von großen Umstellungen geprägt war. Doch auch … [קרא עוד ...]
How DIALLS Changes a Classroom: "Something has happened"
[German & English] „Da hat sich was getan.“ Wie ist es, DIALLS zu unterrichten? Kann man interkulturelle Kompetenz erlernen? Welchen Einfluss hat DIALLS auf die Schüler*innen? Almut Heyng - DIALLS Lehrkraft an einer deutschen Grundschule – … [קרא עוד ...]
What I Learned with DIALLS: Thoughts from two teachers
[Portuguese & English] Duas reflexões de professores portugueses sobre a capacidade de empatia das crianças e como os materiais DIALLS influenciaram o seu ensino. Aprendendo sempre As crianças têm uma capacidade empática … [קרא עוד ...]
Moving from "me" to "we": Addressing sensitive issues in a DIALLS classroom
[Portuguese & English] Como lidar com questões sensíveis? (8-11 anos) Na 1ª pessoa Numa das Escolas onde implementei o projeto existe um elevado número de alunos provenientes de outras etnias e nacionalidades. Numa turma de 3º ano, com um … [קרא עוד ...]
Portuguese teachers’ experiences with DIALLS
[Portuguese & English] Experiência dos professores portugueses no projeto DIALLS No projeto DIALLS, a opinião dos professores e dos alunos é essencial! Foi sempre através do seu feedback e da sua experiência, num trabalho constante de … [קרא עוד ...]
The Impact of DIALLS on my students
[English version below] O impacto do Projeto DIALLS nos meus alunos “A viagem da descoberta consiste em não achar novas paisagens, mas ver com novos olhos!” Marcel Proust Quando fui convidada a participar no Projeto … [קרא עוד ...]
My Year 4 class are taking part from a small rural village in Norfolk, England. The school itself is an all through school- that is it takes pupils on two sites from age 4 to age 16. The children get taught by some specialist teachers from the High … [קרא עוד ...]
Reflections on Diversity from Spain (Catalonia)
[English] Earlier in the year, several students in Catalonia wrote reflections on the concept of diversity (in English), inspired by their work with DIALLS. Below, we share four of their perspectives. Argumentative text: We … [קרא עוד ...]
Implementing DIALLS: it has been worth it!
[English translation below] Εμπειρίες και σκέψεις για την εφαρμογή του προγράμματος DIALLS Φέτος, ως εκπαιδευτικός σε δημοτικό σχολείο έχω εφαρμόσει στην τάξη μου, ένα εξαιρετικό πρόγραμμα, το DIALLS. Νιώθω πολύ τυχερή που είχα την … [קרא עוד ...]