The grim irony of this film’s title demonstrates its hard-hitting treatment of the difficult, important subject of forced migration. The film begins as a traditional animation, depicting a group of refugees styled as simple line-drawings as they flee danger for the perceived safety of Europe. As the group envision their arrival at the Eiffel Tower and the Tower of Pisa, the dangers of their voyage are presented almost as slapstick humour; this is effective at making the viewer uncomfortable as the horrors and hardships of the refugee crisis are depicted in a deliberately crude manner. This discomfort is suspended at the end of the film once the animation dramatically switches to a live action shot of a refugee being interviewed for asylum by a panel of officials. This inventive and challenging short film is a powerful way to encourage young people aged twelve to fifteen years to confront the reality of the migrant crisis. Discretion is advised before choosing this short film: it is suitable for emotionally mature young people with prior experience of navigating sophisticated and difficult issues in a group discussion context.