Although wimmelbooks are rare in the corpus, as they offer pedagogical challenges in the size and detail of their images, an exception has been made for these two fantastic Spanish books, which count as a set in this bibliography. They can be used in connection to create discussion about urban and country living and the role of either environments in who we are today. They feature the best aspects of the contemporary wimmelbook: a celebration of diversity, a broad use of visual signifiers to stimulate dialogue in all sorts of directions, including themes of pollution, and civic and social competence. These large, short books contain sequences of panoramas depicting the everyday experiences of city life and country living in Spain. The final pages of each book take us inside a ‘typical’ city house and a ‘typical’ country house, to reveal families eating dinner. Readers can use these books as a springboard to consider how their own lives would be represented in this sort of book — or, indeed, if the representation feels authentic to them. The dialogic potential between these two works add to the effect of the original.