This intriguing wordless picturebook is about saying goodbye to possessions after moving house, which thematically connects the book to another title in the corpus, Balbúrdia [Shambles]. The experience of moving to a new town and a new house is vividly represented in the striking block colour illustrations. The process of moving is juxtaposed with the adventure posters of the main character. These posters fill the page, disrupting the visual sequence, and challenging the reader to make sense of what is real and what is not real. The excitement of the day is captured by the boy’s decision to pack up his possessions to give to a toy shop. The story closes with the boy passing his possessions to the property of the shop, and the final image shows other children playing with the toys he donated. This picturebook is surprisingly ambiguous, but offers a large amount of stimulus for children to create their own versions of events. This can lead to a written exercise, or a dialogic exchange, with themes of possession, relocation, charity, and community at its centre.