Inspired by: خربشة [Scribble]
Age Range: 4-7 years
Country: United Kingdom
Cultural Themes
Social Responsibility, CooperationHere’s what the students say about the artefact they created:
What is the artwork about?
A child’s experience of Lockdown; trying to be responsible and work in cooperation with others
Why was it designed in this way?
The children were given freedom to paint a picture about their experience of Lockdown and how they were able to work in cooperation with other members of their family and act responsibly.
Why did the class choose this artwork?
This was the last session we did so it was fresh in the children’s minds; as the whole class are not together at the moment it was difficult for everyone to participate in the decision.
Was it created collaboratively or by one student?
One student created the picture – all the children involved in the session painted their own picture.