This CGI short film, produced by Gottfried Mentor at Film Bilder in Germany, is about celebrating difference and overcoming difficulties through teamwork and solidarity. Two goats, one adult and one small, are trotting along a mountain top. The baby goat cannot work out how to walk, and so hops along instead, banging into the parent. The parent goat, it turns out, is scared of heights, while the baby goat hops straight over the gap in the mountain top. Children aged 4-7 years old will find it exciting to see the parent and child overcome their differences and learn unexpected skills from each other. Before long, the parent goat has managed to get over the gap by imitating the baby goat, and the pair hop away together happily. This friendly and warm tale is an effective way to consider themes of cooperation and the celebration of diversity. We all have different skills, but through cohesion and solidarity it becomes possible to turn our weaknesses into strengthsfor the purpose of mutual benefit.