This vibrantly illustrated wordless picturebook explores the role of creation and creativity in the imagination of children. A young girl draws a group of monsters, an elephant, and a little girl on a sheet of paper with a set of pencils. The figures look scared and unhappy, perhaps reflecting the anxiety of their creator. As the young girl goes to sleep, the illustrations come alive and climb from the page into the dark of the room. Picking up the pencils left behind by the sleeping girl, the illustrations modify themselves, drawing wings onto their bodies in order to fly happily around the bedroom. Attentive readers will spot the room getting lighter and lighter as sunrise nears. At dawn, the illustrations return to the empty page, as if they were never alive at all. The little girl gasps as she looks at her drawings from the previous night, because the figures are no longer scared and unhappy, but now wear expressions of happiness and friendship. This Israeli wordless picturebook provides a tender way to consider themes such as inclusion and empathy.