In this picturebook, a woman returns home from her exciting life in the city to visit her grandmother, but finds that she is a giant compared to her, representing her sense of maturity and new-found independence. However, as she reconnects with her … Διαβάστε Περισσότερα...
Bon Voyage
ζοφερή ειρωνεία που δημιουργείται από τον τίτλο αυτής της ταινίας αναδεικνύει τη σκληρή της αντιμετώπιση προς το δύσκολο, σημαντικό θέμα της υποχρεωτικής μετανάστευσης. Η ταινία ξεκινάει ως ένα παραδοσιακό κινούμενο σχέδιο, απεικονίζοντας μια ομάδα … Διαβάστε Περισσότερα...
Triangolo al circo [Triangle at the Circus]
This early concept book provides a selection of vivid representations of the circus for young people to explore. Clowns juggle, trumpeters trumpet, a snake-charmer charms a snake. Children will be able to interact with the joyous depiction of circus … Διαβάστε Περισσότερα...
Il Libro Bianco [The White Book]
A sense of agency is key to this conceptual work, in which the role of children in creating their own lives is represented through the depiction of a small boy who paints and repaints the page. Similar to the classic worded picturebook, Harold and … Διαβάστε Περισσότερα...
Naar de Markt [To the Market]
Αυτό το βιβλίο είναι μια απλή απεικόνιση μιας μητέρας και μιας κόρης που κάνουν βόλτα σε μια τοπική αγορά. Ο αναγνώστης μυείται σε μια σειρά εμπειριών, συμπεριλαμβανομένης μιας ποικιλίας τροφίμων και αγαθών, που πωλούνται από μια πολυπολιτισμική και … Διαβάστε Περισσότερα...
Kim Bu Gelen? [Who is this Coming?]
A game of chess between chickens is disturbed by the loud footsteps of a passing giraffe in this eccentric Turkish wordless picturebook. The chickens try hard to get the attention of the giraffe and the picturebook ends with the arrival of an even … Διαβάστε Περισσότερα...
Vu d’en haut [View from Above]
This short early concept book is stylistically bold and uses a simple premise: what do things look like from above? A hot summer day is the scene of the story: readers will be able to spot the bird’s eye view of a small town with hot yellow lawns … Διαβάστε Περισσότερα...
Zachem? [Why?]
This famous Russian wordless picturebook is one of the oldest picturebooks in the selection, as it was published at the end of the twentieth century. It has been re-published many times since in many different countries: sometimes with words, and … Διαβάστε Περισσότερα...
Che Capolavoro! [What a Masterpiece!]
This picturebook takes canonical examples of classic and modern art to explore the universality of artwork in everyday life. The main character is surrounded by signifiers of art and culture - from Banksy to Salvador Dali, from Einstein to the Eiffel … Διαβάστε Περισσότερα...