Barroux’s sequel to Where’s the Elephant? plays upon the same premise. The ludic format of the wimmelbook, such as Where’s Wally, becomes a catalyst for an important message about protecting the environment. Children will have great fun spotting the … [Darllen mwy...]
Where’s the Elephant? [Ble y mae’r Eliffant?]
Children, like adults, quickly develop sophisticated expectations of genre and style – for example, seeking to see the similarities that define certain types of picturebooks. This picturebook by French artist Barroux plays upon these expectations by … [Darllen mwy...]
The Little Red Plane [Yr Awyren Fach Goch]
Gwnaethpwyd animeiddiad y ffilm stop-symud hon o wlân, sef antur bachgen a'i gath anwes wedi’u gwau sy'n hedfan o amgylch y byd yn dosbarthu parseli yn yr awyren goch eponymaidd. Cynhyrchwyd y gwaith rhagorol hwn yn ffilm myfyrwyr gan Charlotte … [Darllen mwy...]
De Boomhut [Y Tŷ Coed]
This work is a beautifully evocative and ambiguous wordless depiction of a treehouse in different scenes, times, and environments. The treehouse stands in a body of water. A polar bear approaches it and seeks shelter upon it; on the next page, a … [Darllen mwy...]
De gele ballon [Y Balŵn Melyn]
This powerful book is a reminder of how small the planet really is. We see different panoramas on each page, depicting different scenes from around the world, brought to life by vivid colour. The intricacy of the wimmelbook is avoided by the clarity … [Darllen mwy...]
Free the Lines [Rhyddha’r Leiniau]
The striking two-tone graphics of this picturebook provide an innovative and uncomplicated depiction of an important part of contemporary life: sustainable development, including over-fishing, pollution, and industrialisation. A little boat voyages … [Darllen mwy...]
Capital [Cyfalaf]
The symbol of the piggy bank is used throughout this highly stylised, conceptual wordless picturebook to explore themes of capitalism. This work is a good example of an ideologically loaded picturebook — whether you agree or disagree with the … [Darllen mwy...]
Yn y ffilm fer fach hon, sonnir am grwban môr bach sy’n mynd yn sownd ar y traeth yn llygredd a sbwriel y cefnfor. Dim ond ar ôl i griw o bobl ymddangos i ddatrys y broblem y gall ddianc o’i garchar. Felly, awgryma'r ffilm hon bŵer stiwardiaeth … [Darllen mwy...]