Musings on DIALLS session Owl Bat, Bat Owl: I left my Year One class just before lunchtime. My elder son had a high temperature and a cough and I had been called at school. “Sorry, lovely children,” I said, “I’ll be back in a couple of … [Darllen mwy...]
“I was happily proven wrong”: DIALLS in a Cypriot Kindergarten
[English translation below] ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ DIALLS 2019 – 2020 Ονομάζομαι Μαρία Πίττα και είμαι νηπιαγωγός στο Δημόσιο Νηπιαγωγείο Λιοπετρίου. Φέτος είχα την ευκαιρία να συμμετάσχω στο πρόγραμμα DIALLS. Το πρόγραμμα DIALLS αλλά και η όλη … [Darllen mwy...]
Navigating DIALLS through the Pandemic in Portugal
[English translation below] Um caminho é como uma casa: é necessário abrir a janela, de vez em quando, para que o ar circule. O medo neste século, já não é um produto artesanal. Gonçalo M. Tavares AULA 11 – SESSÃO 12 TURMA … [Darllen mwy...]
Implementing the DIALLS programme in my classroom in Cyprus
[English translation below] Η ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΗ ΤΟΥ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΤΑΞΗ ΜΟΥ Αρχικά, επέλεξα να εφαρμόσω το πρόγραμμα DIALLS στην τάξη μου επειδή το υλικό που χρησιμοποιεί, δηλαδή τα εικονοβιβλία και οι ταινίες μικρού μήκους χωρίς λόγια, συμβάλλουν στην … [Darllen mwy...]
Art, Empathy, Education: Using Art to Teach Empathy
Fairly recently, a discussion on empathy education appeared in the opinions column of the biggest and most prominent Finnish newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat, when Minna Kartamo, a school principal from Espoo, Finland, argued that schools should teach … [Darllen mwy...]
Observations on implementing DIALLS in Cyprus
DIALLS was a promising project for me from the beginning since it was using children’s books. Getting familiar with such material was a great opportunity for me and for my students. Moreover, the support from academic people and the chance to work … [Darllen mwy...]
A typical DIALLS lesson – from an Israeli classroom
Lesson 7 is a synchronous lesson, which means the children from one class discuss the lesson’s topics among themselves, then share their comments and cultural artefacts (this is the artwork the children create each lesson, based on the cultural theme … [Darllen mwy...]
Israeli children discuss cultural literacy online
Here a first-grade teacher in Israel talks about DIALLS Lesson 6 – the first of five synchronous online discussions with another first-grade class from another Israeli school. In preparation for the lesson, the children were very excited about … [Darllen mwy...]
A Portuguese student talks about their DIALLS experiences
The DIALLS project is about thinking, talking and listening. We learn how to create our own opinions and how to develop them, give examples and defend them. We also have to be able to listen to what other people have to say (their ideas and … [Darllen mwy...]