[Portuguese & English] O impacto do Projeto DIALLS nos meus alunos “A viagem da descoberta consiste em não achar novas paisagens, mas ver com novos olhos!” Marcel Proust Quando fui convidada a participar no Projeto DIALLS, … [Read more...]
[English] My Year 4 class are taking part from a small rural village in Norfolk, England. The school itself is an all through school- that is it takes pupils on two sites from age 4 to age 16. The children get taught by some specialist teachers from … [Read more...]
Implementing DIALLS: it has been worth it!
[Greek & English] Εμπειρίες και σκέψεις για την εφαρμογή του προγράμματος DIALLS Φέτος, ως εκπαιδευτικός σε δημοτικό σχολείο έχω εφαρμόσει στην τάξη μου, ένα εξαιρετικό πρόγραμμα, το DIALLS. Νιώθω πολύ τυχερή που είχα την ευκαιρία … [Read more...]
Adapting a DIALLS lesson for home learning
Here's a great example of how a primary teacher in the UK took a DIALLS lesson plan and developed it for use by her pupils at home during lockdown, using the fantastic short wordless film Chiripajas. https://vimeo.com/430311591 … [Read more...]
Isolation, Prejudice … Empathy, Hope
[English] Musings on DIALLS session Owl Bat, Bat Owl: I left my Year One class just before lunchtime. My elder son had a high temperature and a cough and I had been called at school. “Sorry, lovely children,” I said, “I’ll be back in a … [Read more...]
Dr Fiona Maine talks about progress with our DIALLS cultural literacy learning programme
Dr Fiona Maine from the University of Cambridge and DIALLS Consortium Coordinator talks about the third and final year of the development of our cultural literacy learning programme and how it can benefit children as they return to school after COVID … [Read more...]
Implementing the DIALLS programme in my classroom in Cyprus
[Greek & English] Η ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΗ ΤΟΥ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΤΑΞΗ ΜΟΥ Αρχικά, επέλεξα να εφαρμόσω το πρόγραμμα DIALLS στην τάξη μου επειδή το υλικό που χρησιμοποιεί, δηλαδή τα εικονοβιβλία και οι ταινίες μικρού μήκους χωρίς λόγια, συμβάλλουν στην … [Read more...]
Art, Empathy, Education: Using Art to Teach Empathy
[English] Fairly recently, a discussion on empathy education appeared in the opinions column of the biggest and most prominent Finnish newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat, when Minna Kartamo, a school principal from Espoo, Finland, argued that schools … [Read more...]
Observations on implementing DIALLS in Cyprus
[English] DIALLS was a promising project for me from the beginning since it was using children’s books. Getting familiar with such material was a great opportunity for me and for my students. Moreover, the support from academic people and the chance … [Read more...]