هذا الفيلم القصير والبسيط يدور حول الطاقة المتجددة. إنه العمل الوحيد في المجموعة لمعالجة هذا المفهوم المهم بشكل مباشر وصريح لمستقبل أوروبا. يبلغ طول الفيلم 90 ثانية فقط، وهو فيلم رائع يمكن للطلاب مشاهدته وربما إعادة مشاهدته قبل بدء المناقشة. يريد … [المزيد ...]
Il Libro Bianco [الكتاب الأبيض]
A sense of agency is key to this conceptual work, in which the role of children in creating their own lives is represented through the depiction of a small boy who paints and repaints the page. Similar to the classic worded picturebook, Harold and … [المزيد ...]
!Che Capolavoro [يا لها من تحفة!]
This picturebook takes canonical examples of classic and modern art to explore the universality of artwork in everyday life. The main character is surrounded by signifiers of art and culture - from Banksy to Salvador Dali, from Einstein to the Eiffel … [المزيد ...]
Naar de Markt [إلى السوق]
This book is a simple depiction of a mother and daughter taking a trip to their local market. The reader is privy to a range of experiences, including a diverse set of foods and goods, sold by a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic array of tradespeople. … [المزيد ...]
?Ką padarė žirklės [ماذا فعل المقصّ؟]
The majority of wordless picturebooks produced in Europe are produced in Northern and Western European countries. However, the oldest example of the form used in this corpus is a Lithuanian wordless picturebook originally published in 1961. It has … [المزيد ...]
Verrückte Welt [عالم معكوس]
German artist ATAK presents a carnivalesque theme of power negotiation in this representation of an upside down world. The banker begs on the street corner while the punk hands over spare change; the mouse chases the cat; a horse rides a jockey; a … [المزيد ...]
?Kim Bu Gelen [من الذي أتي؟]
A game of chess between chickens is disturbed by the loud footsteps of a passing giraffe in this eccentric Turkish wordless picturebook. The chickens try hard to get the attention of the giraffe and the picturebook ends with the arrival of an even … [المزيد ...]
כשירד הלילה [عندما حلّ الليل]
This vibrantly illustrated wordless picturebook explores the role of creation and creativity in the imagination of children. A young girl draws a group of monsters, an elephant, and a little girl on a sheet of paper with a set of pencils. The figures … [المزيد ...]
?Where’s the Elephant [أين الفيل؟]
Children, like adults, quickly develop sophisticated expectations of genre and style – for example, seeking to see the similarities that define certain types of picturebooks. This picturebook by French artist Barroux plays upon these expectations by … [المزيد ...]