Winter is here. A boy is walking through the snowy woods at night-time, alone. As snow falls, the suspense builds: he is being followed by a wolf. The boy begins to run forwards through the snow. The wolf opens its jaws in glee, leaping across the … [المزيد ...]
Mein Weg mit Vanessa [سأذهب مع فانيسا]
French-authored and first published in Germany, this fabulous wordless picturebook presents a realistic storyline that some readers will know all too well. Vanessa is new in town and feels isolated at her school. The story gets going when a classmate … [المزيد ...]
Dans sa bulle [داخل فقاعة]
This picture is, along with Bokstavsbarn [Falling Letters], the only text in the corpus to consider the topic of disability. It is the only work to represent deafness. The story represents a happy, regular day in the life of a young girl. Some drama … [المزيد ...]
Bokstavsbarn [حروف متساقطة]
هذا الفيلم الحسّاس يأتي من السويد والدنمارك. وهو واحد من النصوص الثقافية الوحيدة في المجموعة لمعالجة الإعاقة. يسلط الفيلم الضوء على صعوبات التعلم في الصفّ في هذا التصوير الجميل والعاطفي لصراعات صبي في مدرسته. بطل الرواية غير قادر على الاندماج الكامل … [المزيد ...]
Vazio [فراغ]
Themes of loneliness and isolation are raised by this tender tale of a man named Mister Empty. Mister Empty travels around the town looking to feel fulfilled by different things. Work doesn’t make him happy. Food doesn’t make him happy. The artwork … [المزيد ...]