المدى العمريّ: 12-15 years
Country: Israel
مواضيع ثقافيّة
Being European, Empathy, BelongingEnglish translation of the text in the artefact:
“The first drawing (LOVE) is that one I drew with connection to love because at home there’s love of the family. The second drawing (BELONGING) is three people talking, I drew it in connection with belonging that everyone feels they belong in the conversation and not only the two who are talking. And the third and last drawing (FAMILY) is a family I drew it because at home there’s a family who loves and you feel towards it most belonging in the world.”
Here’s what the students say about the artefact they created:
What is the artwork about?
The artefact deals with three different dimensions incorporated in the term ‘home’ – love, belonging and family.
Why was it designed in this way?
This lesson was about the conceptual distinction between ‘house’ and ‘home’, which does not clearly exist in Hebrew. During the lesson the children understood this distinction and discussed it. From their discussion they came to finer detail of the same dimension of home. The group that created this artefact disassembled the home’s “existential” elements into three and graphically represented them in the drawing.
Why did the class choose this artwork?
This artefact was chosen because it contains new deepening to the different motives assembling the term home. The students found a fundamental distinction between ‘love’, ‘belonging’ and ‘family’, who are very similar terms yet different. They found that the they are the primary elements that make up a home which is not the same as house. We can see in this work the continuation of the independent analytical analysis of the students to the primary analysis exposed to them through this lesson in the term ‘bayit’ (=home/house).
Was it created collaboratively or by one student?
Team work.
?במה עוסק התוצר
בשלושה ממדים שונים המתגלמים במונח ‘בית’ – אהבה, שייכות ומשפחה
?מדוע הוא עוצב כך
?מדוע הכיתה בחרה דווקא בתוצר הזה לפרסום בגלריה המקוונ
האם התוצר הוא פרי עבודה של תלמיד יחיד
?עבודת צוות
העבודה היא תוצאה של עבודת צוות